• I'm not sure about sea salt, but I don't think iodized or rock salt would be good. I know epsom salt is good for healing and also swelling, and body and muscle aches. It may help if there is any swelling or soreness with your naval piercing. You should try it in the bath with some warm water.
  • Sea Salt for the piercing! What did your piercer tell you?
  • Sea salt is the best for piercings, The differences between the salts is...Table salt is 40% sodium. The other 60% is chloride. Sea salt is obtained by evaporating seawater. Epsom Salts is Magnesium and Sulfates, Iodized salt usually comes from salt mines (rock salt) and once it's mined, it is refined and most minerals are removed from it until it is pure sodium chloride and iodine is added.
  • so if you use iodized sea salt would that be bad?

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