• Cats sneeze for a variety of reasons. If a cat sneezes only occasionally, there may not be a serious underlying health condition. In these cases, cat sneezing is simply part of a healthy respiratory system that is functioning properly.


    Some cats sneeze because of allergies. Cats are similar to humans and can demonstrate sensitivity to certain chemicals or products. An individual who notices that her cat sneezes frequently when she uses a certain cologne or cleaning product should ensure that the product is not triggering an allergic reaction.


    If it a pet owner suspects that the sneezing is caused by an allergen, the best thing that she can do is try to discover the offending allergen. Once an owner pinpoints the allergen, she can eliminate the problem.

    Respiratory Infection

    Sometimes cats sneeze because they have a respiratory infection. This is a common cause of excessive cat sneezing. Two viruses can cause respiratory infections: the parainfluenza virus and the adenovirus. Both are highly contagious and can be passed on to other household cats.


    If the cat has a thick nasal discharge, a veterinarian should examine it. Thick or colored discharges from the nostrils could be a sign of pneumonia. A sneezing cat should also see a veterinarian if its sneezes are accompanied by a lack of appetite or depression.


    According to the Cat Channel, there are various treatments a veterinarian can offer for a sneezing cat. Veterinarian solutions include prescription antibiotics, a vaporizer or other treatments.


    Cat Channel

    Cat Healthcare Guide

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