• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: The Benefits

    Tough love is especially useful on teens who have an awareness of their problematic behavior. Harmony Healthcare explains tough love as essential to the mental health of your child, meaning parents cannot "make excuses for them, clean up after them or keep silent about how their behavior affects you."

    On the Other: The Difficulties

    Since a parent has to avoid all forms of enabling tactics, it can be very hard to watch the child experience discomfort and unhappiness due to not getting whatever it is they want. Their pain will be felt by the parent, but just because the child feels bad for not being able to get what they want, it doesn't mean they should have it.

    Bottom Line

    If a parent has the mental strength to enact tough love, it will work. But it is a difficult practice for both parties involved, and the benefits may not be seen until a great deal of time has passed. Also, it must not be a temporary practice; tough love is an "all-or-nothing" form of discipline.


    Tough Love Parenting

    Harmony Healthcare

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