• Choosing clothing is a complicated affair for women who follow the Jewish law of Halacha. While Halacha does allow for certain styles of modern clothing, it does not permit anything that might be considered provocative.

    Fashion Trends

    Some Jewish women will attempt to follow fashion trends as closely as tradition permits, while others explicitly reject modern fashion--they will attempt to dress as closely to tradition as modern fabrics will allow.

    Basic Rules

    The basic rules to follow include: covered collarbones, dresses no higher than three inches below the knee and long-sleeve blouses. Wearing pants may be permitted, but never in the presence of men.

    Unacceptable Styles

    Slit style skirts are not allowed by Halacha, nor are attention-grabbing colors, especially bright red. Some communities allow bare legs, while others require the use of hosiery.

    Head Coverings

    Married women in Orthodox synagogues must cover their hair when in public. Reform and Conservative Judaism generally do not require this. Some sects also require unmarried women to cover their hair as well. Wigs are usually acceptable.


    Many Orthodox synagogues require closed-toe shoes, whereas others allow for sandals. Generally those who require closed-toe are also those who require hosiery.


    "Women and the Mitzvot: The modest way"; Rabbi Elyakim Getsel Ellinson; 1992 Clothing Collection: Orthodox Jewish Standards of Modesty

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