• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Teens Should Not Take Testosterone Boosters

    Teenagers are at their peak for producing testosterone. If they take testosterone boosters when their body is already producing sufficient amounts of testosterone, not only are the boosters unnecessary, but they could cause health problems. Testosterone boosters can cause bones to mature too fast, stopping their growth. They can cause liver tumors, enlarged heart muscles and aggressive behavior. They can also cause acne, increased breast growth in males, an increased tendency for hair loss and muscle aches.

    On the Other: There Are Safe Ways to Boost Testosterone

    A change in diet and lifestyle can naturally boost testosterone. Eggs, beef, broccoli, cabbage, chicken, oysters and garlic increase testosterone levels. Also, regular weight training helps the body to produce testosterone.

    Bottom Line

    Testosterone boosters are only necessary for men who want to build muscles but display symptoms that hinder their efforts, such as lack of energy or inability to gain muscles. This usually only happens when men age and their bodies produce less testosterone than they once did. Anyone taking testosterone boosters should first consult a doctor.


    Majon International; A Natural Testosterone Booster Improves Stamina

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