• The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) notes that tobacco use is the main preventable reason for disease, disability and fatality in America. Nicotine is viewed as a drug because of the powerful effect it has on the brain.


    Cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco and pipe tobacco contain nicotine--an addictive drug. When chewed, inhaled or smoked, nicotine quickly enters the bloodstream.


    Nicotine readily stimulates the adrenal glands--small, triangular glands situated on top of each kidney--releasing the epinephrine hormone, which elevates blood pressure and heart rate and stimulates the central nervous system.


    Similar to marijuana, cocaine and heroin, nicotine raises the neurotransmitter dopamine level, which affects the brain's pleasure center.

    Long-Term Effect

    Continuous long-term exposure to nicotine can cause addiction, resulting in compulsive drug-seeking behavior, regardless of the harmful consequences.

    Health Risks

    Cigarette smoking is responsible for 90 percent of lung cancer cases. Smoking also causes chronic bronchitis and emphysema and places the user at a higher risk of heart disease. According to NIDA, adult smokers die an average of 14 years sooner than nonsmokers.


    NIDA InfoFacts: Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products

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