• A child's intelligence will vary based upon their current developmental level. The Intelligence Quotient Test measures the relative intelligence of children at different ages. Testing your child will give you insight into your child's abilities and aptitudes, and may indicate areas that need work.

    Taking the IQ Test

    IQ tests are available online, however most cost a lot of money. Dr. Phil McGraw, a clinical psychologist who specializes in helping families and children, has free IQ testing materials available on his website. Fourteen tests are available, for children ages 3 through 16. Download and print the forms from the Dr. Phil website; you will need the IQ Test, Directions, and Scoring Materials. Administer the test when your child is free from distractions. Younger children are tested verbally, with the adult asking questions and--at times--recording answers. Some portions test non-verbal skills, requiring students to point to pictures or to perform certain skills. Older children will answer more questions to determine their IQ. Topics tested include vocabulary, application of words, mathematics and logic. Older children are allowed to calculate math questions on paper, but calculators are discouraged.

    Interpreting the Results

    Children who correctly answer 80% of the questions have appropriate intelligence, and are generally at the same level as other children their age. Remember, it is unreasonable to expect a 3-year-old to perform at the same level as a 5-year-old. Results may also show a special talent or ability, or show a particular deficiency. Parents concerned with the results of the IQ test should consult a psychologist or educational professional who may be able to pinpoint developmental deficiencies.

    How to Improve a Child's IQ

    Some people believe that intelligence is fixed at birth, whereas others think you can help increase a child's intellectual performance. Try these suggestions: Play games that stimulate the mind such as chess, checkers and word puzzles. Expose the child to stimulating conversation. Increase your child's vocabulary and comprehension by encouraging reading. Provide foods which are rich in vitamins and nutrients. Foods with little nutritional value may cause the student to feel sleepy or ill, and may inhibit optimal performance on an IQ test.


    Dr. Phil: Measuring Your Child's IQ Article

    All The IQ Test

    Dr. Phil: Increasing Your Child's Intellectual Performance


    Dr. Phil: IQ Test

    Dr. Phil: IQ Test Directions

    Dr. Phil: IQ Test Scoring Materials

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