• Propolis is a sticky substance derived from the bark of trees. It is very similar to honey in terms of viscosity and appearance but is bitter in taste. Propolis gains potency when bees suckle it and mix it with their own secretions of wax flakes from their stomachs. The result is a pollen that is powerful in many ways. Propolis is an antibiotic, antiseptic, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antibacterial.

    What It Does

    Propolis is a great booster of the immune system. It can also act as a powerful preventive measure for various diseases and conditions. When taken to boost the immune system and improve the body's defense mechanism, it acts as a preventive measure. To use it in this manner, propolis is best taken on a daily basis before an outbreak of any specified diseases related to the immune system.

    When to Take It

    Propolis can also be administered during or after an outbreak of certain conditions such as fever. Because of its high anti-inflammatory qualities, propolis can be used once the fever starts. Propolis can also be used to treat burns and wounds. It may also be useful for respiratory conditions. Draper Bee reports that propolis is a good agent in fighting asthma; bronchitis and other related ailments. When taken to treat a specific illness, it should be taken when the problem surfaces, on the advice of a doctor.

    How to Take It

    Propolis is available in a wide variety of forms, including sprays, tablets, capsules, ointments, liniments, creams, drops and tinctures. It is generally used as a spray when used as a mouthwash and for healing sore throats. It can be used in cream or ointment form when it is used to fight bacteria and when it is applied on wounds.

    Potential Side Effects

    This natural ingredient can be ineffective in some cases. In addition, while it does not lead to toxicity, it can cause irritation, redness, burning and swelling in some people when used in excess. Pregnant and lactating women, asthmatics and those allergic to bee stings should avoid using propolis.


    Draper Bee: Propolis Information

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