• Attending a university is not cheap. Final costs depend on what school you intend to study at, or grants you may have received, but it is most likely going to be expensive.


    Tuition is just the beginning of the cost of attending a university, but it comprises the largest chunk of the overall cost. Prices can range from $6,000-$35,000 per year.


    Private universities are the more expensive of the two. Schools such as Harvard, Georgetown and Yale fall in this category. Public universities can be expensive too, but generally cost less to attend.


    According to CollegeBoard's website, "About 19 percent of students enrolled in private four-year colleges attend institutions that charge tuition and fees below $18,000." It goes on to say that 32 percent of students of public universities, on a four year plan, pay $3,000-$6,000 tuition

    Financial Aid

    There are many avenues to seek financial aid, to help pay for the cost of receiving a higher education. And according to, "More than $168 billion in financial aid is available to students and their families." It also says that "two-thirds of all full-time undergraduate students receive grant aid."

    What This Means For You

    While the cost of attending a university may seem daunting, there is help and aid available for those who seek it. A private university looks impressive, but public universities offer basically the same education and for less money.



    Yahoo Directory of Private Universities

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