• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Safe if Used Correctly

    Electric blankets are a great way to stay warm during cold winter nights. Pregnant women can use them as long as they do not overheat themselves. Electric blankets can aid a pregnant woman's comfort level, allowing her to get a good night's sleep.

    On the Other: Unsafe if You Get Too Hot

    If a pregnant woman raises her core body temperature above 103 degrees, that could cause physical abnormalities in a developing fetus. Also, the verdict is still out on whether or not electric and magnetic fields, which are in electric blankets, are harmful.

    Bottom Line

    A pregnant woman can use an electric blanket if she takes the proper precautions. She should not become overheated. One option is to turn on your electric blanket and let it warm up before getting into bed, and then turning it off once you get in. You may fall asleep while the blanket is still warm.

    Source:; Is it safe to sleep with an electric blanket during pregnancy?

    The Electric Blanket Institute

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