• Medical social workers work with individuals and families in a wide variety of settings such as hospitals, hospice and nursing homes. They work on an individual basis with patients that have health-related problems and concerns.


    Most medical social workers help explain to patients policies and available health care resources. They also provide information for patients that need financial assistance.


    Medical social workers help patients get the services they need by making referrals for the appropriate services. For example, if a patient with cancer has symptoms of depression, the social worker might refer that patient for counseling.


    Medical social workers provide support and short-term counseling to patients and their families.

    Other Professionals

    Social workers in medical settings work closely with doctors, nurses and other staff working with the patients.

    Discharge Planning

    A big part of most medical social workers' daily work is helping patients plan for discharge. They help them get prepared to go home or to the next service they need, and ensure the patient will have all necessary services upon leaving.


    Mayo Clinic

    Standford School of Medicine

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