• When attending a Broadway play, audience members face the question of what to wear. The answer depends on the time and type of show, but attire varies widely.

    Dress Codes

    Broadway theaters typically do not have official dress codes, so the audience members can wear almost any tasteful attire they choose. People in the audience wear anything from jeans to evening gowns or suits.


    Different types of plays may have different social expectations. For example, when seeing a modern show such as Rent, dressing casually may be accepted, but when seeing a classical show such as Phantom of the Opera, the audience will typically be a bit more dressy.

    Formal occasions

    On opening night, attire tends to be formal. Formal dress consists of tuxedos and ties or fancy suits for men and cocktail dresses for women.

    Evening Shows

    Semi-formal attire--consisting of suits and ties for men and dresses or dress suits for women--is appropriate for an evening show.


    The expectations are lowered for matinee performances, and casual attire is socially accepted. Although casual is subjective, suggests khakis rather than jeans.


    Broadway Source

    The Etiquette and Dress Experts

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