• While both the Southern Baptist Council and the Independent Fundamental Baptist Church are opposed to abortion, neither has an official position on birth control. It is a matter for individual churches and pastors to consider.


    Fundamental Baptists believe that life begins at conception, but they publicly debate whether birth control that prevents conception is a sin. The most conservative members believe that all birth control is wrong.


    Some Fundamentalists allow condoms, the rhythm method, and other forms of birth control, since they are only designed to prevent fertilization.


    Fundamentalists opposed to all birth control believe that many biblical passages specifically prohibit it, particularly Genesis 1:28, which states: "Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the Earth."


    Some Fundamentalists argue that birth control is a sign of selfishness, because users determine when they want children, rather than viewing children as a gift from God.


    Many Fundamentalists refer to birth control pills, especially RU-486, or the morning after pill, as the "silent abortion," since they allow for possible fertilization of the egg.


    Baptist ministers entered the political arena regarding birth control following a judicial decision ending the federal ban in 1938.


    Faithful World Baptist Church


    The Dallas Morning News

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