• Medical emergencies do not always occur during your doctor's regular office hours. And an urgent care facility is there for you when you need an alternative to a hospital emergency room.


    An urgent care facility is not an emergency room or a primary care physician.


    Doctors at an urgent care center can provide immediate outpatient medical services. For instance, they can treat non-life threatening injuries, and acute and chronic illness. Physicians at an urgent care facility must have a broad range of medical knowledge to treat unusual or complex medical conditions.


    Urgent care centers have extended hours. You can simply walk in, instead of setting an appointment.


    If you need more extensive medical attention, you can be transported to a hospital emergency room.


    There are approximately 8,000 urgent care facilities in the U.S., according to the Urgent Care Association of America (UCAA).


    Urgent Care Association of America

    American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine

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