• Leatherback sea turtles can be found in oceans all over the world because they can survive in a wide range of temperatures. They are found as far north as the coasts of Norway and as far south as the coasts of Chile. They travel far and eat a variety of soft-bodied seafood.


    Jellyfish are the premier choice of food for leatherback sea turtles. Jellyfish are not a great source of nutrients because they are composed of mostly water. However, the leatherback sea turtle can survive easily on them

    Diet of Young Leatherbacks

    Any growing creature consumes a lot of food. A baby leatherback can eat two times its weight in jellyfish.

    How Leatherbacks eat Jellyfish

    A leatherback sucks the jellyfish into its mouth by expanding its throat. Leatherbacks have scissor-like jaws and mouth cavities lined with jagged spines that help them eat the jellyfish.


    Plastic bags in the ocean pose a problem for leatherbacks. Plastic bags, when floating in the water, strongly resemble jellyfish. If a turtle eats the bag thinking it is a jellyfish, it will most likely choke.

    Other Food

    Although they eat mostly jellyfish, sea turtles will also eat fish, mollusks, squid, sea urchins and other marine creatures.


    Leatherback Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea)

    The Leatherback Sea Turtle: An Endangered Species

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