• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Dosing Suggestions

    Tongkat Ali is an active ingredient in many libido-enhancing supplements on the market. When looking at a product label for the exact content of Tongkat Ali, note that it can come in two forms. According to Ray Sahelian, M.D., the first form, Tongkat Ali root powder, should be around 200 mg per dose of the supplement. The second form, LJ100 root extract, should be around 25 mg per dose.

    On the Other: Inconsistency With Extraction

    No scientific standards exist to regulate the herb extraction process. This means that each manufacturer of Tongkat Ali may have different potency levels. Potency can range from 4:1 to 200:1, but manufacturers are not required to place this information on a label. This can make it difficult to determine an exact dose that is both safe and effective.

    Bottom Line

    Too much Tongkat Ali can lead to restlessness, insomnia and anxiety. Because dosing is difficult to determine with this supplement, take the smallest possible dose first. If you experience no benefits, slowly increase your dosage. If there are still no effects by the time you reach the recommended levels, you may want to research other supplements.


    Ray Sahelian, M.D. - Tongkat Ali

    Tongkat Ali Extract : A Review of Eurycoma Longfolia LJ100

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