• A turkey roasting in the oven, stuffed with sage, scents your house with memories of Thanksgiving. While useful in cooking, Salvia officinalis (Latin meaning "to save") is prized for its many beneficial uses.

    More than Turkey Stuffing

    Don't just use sage on turkey and other poultry, says the Encyclopedia of Food and Culture. Red, purple or green sage varieties taste good in eggs, breads, soups, stews, pickles, cheeses, sauces and teas.

    Cold and Flu Relief

    Gargling with sage tea three times daily alleviates upper respiratory symptoms as well as throat, nasal and sinus problems. To create a gargle, says the PDR for Herbal Medicine, use 2.5 g of the alcohol-free liquid sage or two to three drops of essential oil in 100 mL of water as infusion, or 5 g of the alcoholic extract in one glass of water.


    Taken in supplement form, sage eases hot flashes and night sweats experienced during menopause. Sage also reduces moodiness and insomnia by balancing a woman's hormonal system, says Lisa Waterman Gray in the May 2007 issue of "Better Nutrition" magazine.

    Sage May Keep You Sage

    In 2009, the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine began research on the effectiveness of sage in helping individuals with Alzheimer's disease. As of November 2009, NCCAM is still seeking individuals to participate in the clinical trial.

    Drink Up

    Dan shen sage tea in China is known for its soothing and healing properties. Use cold sage tea as a astringent and diuretic and hot sage tea when you have a cold.

    When to Avoid Sage

    Sage is not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, according to the Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine, because of its drying effect. Avoid sage if you have epilepsy since the thujone can trigger convulsions.


    "Sage." Clare Hanrahan and Rebecca J. Frey, Ph.D.

    Encyclopedia of Food and Culture

    PDR for Herbal Medicines, June 2006


    National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

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