• Mold grows best in a warm and moist environment and can develop in many places indoors and out. Mold has a purpose outdoors--helping break down organic matter, such as fallen leaves. Indoors, mold is a nuisance and can lead to health problems and allergies.


    Mold growth is common in bathrooms, which tend to be areas of moisture and warmth. Bathrooms with a mold problem should be cleaned with products that kill mold, such as bleach.


    Windows often get condensation on them, which creates the perfect environment for mold.


    Besides needing moisture, mold grows best in temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees F. Because this is the temperature range of most homes, any moist environment indoors can become a mold haven.

    Hidden Places

    Mold grows in hidden places as well--underneath wallpaper, near leaking pipes in the walls or under carpets where spills may have occurred.


    If you smell mold or otherwise think it might be lurking beneath the surface, call a professional, as mold spores can quickly spread if you find a particularly plentiful source.


    CDC: Mold Basic Facts

    North Carolina Dept. of Health and Human Services: Mold and Human Health

    EPA: A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture and Your Home

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