• Anxiety is a feeling all people experience. The increased blood flow, tension and other feelings come from the primal flight-or-flight mechanism that aided humans to survive. In the modern world, these biological responses are, for the most part, unnecessary. Eating healthy food and following dietary rules can relieve anxiety and its harmful consequences.

    Diet Can Help, Not Solve

    Food cannot end anxiety or resolve an anxiety disorder, but the tips below can help a person's emotional state and improve mood and energy level. Also, the normal anxiety that one would feel, for example, at getting up in front of a group to speak, could be worsened by certain foods, like caffeine or too much sugar.

    Eat Small, Eat Often

    Most health experts, whether addressing weight loss, general health or anxiety relief, recommend eating small, frequent meals (around six per day). Eating large meals puts a great deal of stress on the digestive system to extract needed nutrients and eliminate waste of a large amount of food all at once. Eating smaller meals or snacks helps stabilize blood sugar throughout the day and allows proper digestion.


    Carbohydrate-rich meals of pastas, breads and rice are thought to increase a chemical called serotonin in the brain, which has a calming effect. Simple carbohydrates such as jam, chocolate, sugar and honey can give quick energy with a "crash" later. They are key factors in weight gain and provide very little nutritional substance; they should be avoided, though not completely taken out of a diet.


    Proper hydration is important in reducing anxiety and maintaining proper health. Even mild dehydration can affect a person's mood. Some beverages, such as cola and caffeine-laden drinks, actually deplete water in the body and should be greatly reduced to lower anxiety. Drinks with sugar (such as most energy drinks) and caffeine are stimulants that cause many of the symptoms of anxiety. Limit alcohol consumption. Though wine, beer and other intoxicating drinks may initially calm a person, as alcohol is absorbed and digested throughout the body, it can cause anxiety-like symptoms.


    People may be allergic or have certain reactions to chemicals in certain foods. While some medical tests could verify this, it is best to note one's own mood and health after foods such as milk products, soy, wheat, shellfish. eggs and nuts. In many cases, people who had no reactions to these foods when they were younger develop problems as they age.


    Include foods in your diet with tryptophan. Tryptophan is another chemical believed to aid the brain in producing chemicals that improve emotion and have a relaxing effect. Examples of foods high in tryptophan include milk, poultry, bananas, soy, peanut butter, cheese and sesame seeds.


    From the Mayo Clinic

    Anti-anxiety advice from

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