• Fibromyalgia is a syndrome characterized by chronic pain. It is classified as a syndrome rather than a disease because of its lack of identifiable physical causes. Fibromyalgia is most prevalent in women but also occurs in men and occasionally in children. Symptoms include chronic fatigue, widespread pain in the muscles and joints, muscle spasms and sleep disturbances. Muscle pain and muscle spasms are two symptoms of fibromyalgia that can be eased with these treatment modalities. Talk to your doctor before beginning any type of treatment plan.


    Fibromyalgia muscle pain can be treated with prescription and over-the-counter pain relievers, but these offer only temporary relief from pain. For those who suffer from painful muscle spasms, antispasmodics may be prescribed. Tricyclic antidepressants are another type of medication commonly prescribed for the treatment of fibromyalgia. These drugs interact with the neurotransmitter serotonin, in the brain to relieve muscle pain and other symptoms.


    Exercise can also help ease muscle spasms and pain from fibromyalgia. The exercise should not be too strenuous, or it could cause injuries or make symptoms worse. Many physicians suggest starting out slowly when beginning a new exercise program. Activities should be gentle on the muscles and joints to avoid irritation. Walking, swimming and flexibility exercises are good options for helping with muscle pain.


    Massage can help relieve fibromyalgia muscle aches by relaxing the muscles and stimulating blood flow. Mini self-massages can be performed to reduce sudden-onset muscle pain. Massage can also be done routinely as a way to relax the body and reduce stress, which is a major contributor to fibromyalgia symptoms.

    Relaxation Strategies

    Stress can make fibromyalgia symptoms such as muscle pain even worse. Fibromyalgia sufferers may benefit from learning and regularly performing a relaxation technique to reduce daily stress. These techniques can include yoga, tai chi, meditation, visualization, biofeedback, aromatherapy, deep-breathing or any other stress-reducing activity.


    Treating Muscle Spasms and Fibromyalgia

    Stop the Pain and Fatigue of Fibromyalgia: Fibro Treatments

    National Fibromyalgia Association: Symptoms

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