• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: LimeWire Does What it Can

    LimeWire has made improvement to its software to decrease the chances of identity theft. Earlier versions of the software would automatically mark some or all of the files in a user's "Shared files" folder for sharing. More recent versions have been changed so that no files on a user's computer are automatically shared, no matter what folder they are in. A user must manually designate a file for sharing before it will be shared.

    On the Other: LimeWire is Still a P2P File Sharing Service

    Since files are downloaded directly from one user's computer to another user's computer, LimeWire does not scan these files for viruses. That means that if a user downloads a file with a virus, they will receive the virus, unless they have security software in place that will scan and cancel the download.

    Bottom Line

    The company has made an effort to keep users safe from identity theft, but your safety is up to you. How you choose to use LimeWire and the precautions that you take will play a big part in whether or not LimeWire is safe. You need to have antivirus software installed, scan any files that you want to download and make sure that all of your private files are not marked for sharing. These precautions should keep you safe when downloading files from LimeWire.


    LimeWire FAQs

    Lime Wire tells Congress its P2P software is safe now

    Man gets four years for identity theft via P2P

  • Just to be safe don't download anything from LimeWire bc it will charge u money. Try free downloading websites like or Ive used them and they're pretty handy.

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