• A urinary tract infection (UTI) occurs when the urinary tract (bladder, kidneys and/or urethra) is infected. As the urine passes through the urinary tract, it may become painful with a burning sensation if one or more areas of the urinary tract are infected. Although anyone can have a UTI, it tends to be more common in women and girls. Treatment for a urinary tract infection is both simple and effective.

    Causes of Urinary Tract Infections

    When the urine becomes infected with bacteria (most commonly E.Coli) that starts to grow, a urinary tract infection (UTI) occurs. UTIs are commonly found in women who are sexually active, people with spinal cord injuries and those with kidney stones. They are also found in men with large prostates, women who use diaphragms and young children just learning to wipe themselves after using the bathroom.

    Symptoms and Diagnosis

    There are many symptoms for UTIs, although the most common are painful or burning urination, frequent urination, cloudy and/or foul smelling urine, fever and the sensation of not being able to urinate or hold urination. It's best to seek medical care if any of these symptoms occur. The diagnosis of UTI can be easily determined via a dipstick test. It is especially important to seek urgent care if you are pregnant or have diabetes if you have the symptoms of UTI.

    Treatment and Prevention

    The most common medical treatment for UTI is prescribed antibiotics that can be taken for one to seven days. It is very important to finish all prescribed medications and seek further medical care if the symptoms worsen. To help ease the symptoms of a UTI, you should avoid caffeine, drink lots of water and avoid spicy foods. Cranberry juice is good for helping the symptoms of a UTI and prevention.

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