• Microsoft Access is a powerful program that stores information in relational databases, and it contains functions including queries and reports that allow the data to be presented in a user-friendly format. The benefits of these relational databases include error minimization, ability for data manipulation, ease of analysis generation and user-friendly interfaces.

    Error Minimization

    Relational databases provide data checks that other programs such as Microsoft Excel do not. Data typing errors are eliminated, and data is validated immediately. For example, typing a letter accidentally at the end of a number sequence will not work.

    Data Manipulation

    Queries and filters are easily created in relational databases either through SQL, structured query language, or the Query Wizard for novice users who can just point and click which information they want to see.

    Analysis Generation

    The queries and filters created can provide an analytical insight into the database. With the ease of use of the queries, multiple analysis can be quickly generated, saved and rerun if the data in the database is updated. The program also provides a Report function which allows the user to design the appearance of the analysis into many options.

    User-Friendly Interfaces

    Relational databases in Microsoft Access contain user-friendly interfaces for all functions. Whether creating the database, analyzing the data with queries and filters, or preparing reports to present the data, even a novice user can complete these tasks in minimal time.

    Advantage over Microsoft Excel

    Using Excel is an alternative to house data and prepare analysis. However, Excel does not offer the same data validation, can contain old data if linked to separate worksheets, and can require more manpower to maintain the spreadsheets.


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