• According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, about 5 percent of children suffer from clinical depression at any given time. The prevention of childhood depression is one of the key principles to helping them stay healthy and well, and there are several prevention strategies.

    Coping Skills

    The ability to cope with stress is a major life skill that will prevent depression in children. If children do not have the proper coping skills, then they may get frustrated, act out aggressively and show other signs and symptoms of developing depression. Teaching coping skills like relaxation techniques, deep-breathing exercises, problem solving through role-playing and getting help from adults when a situation is overwhelming are all effective ways to help children cope with stress in their lives.

    Treating Medical Problems

    Medical problems can often result in depression for a child if left untreated. The chemicals and neurotransmitters in the brain that are involved with depression are involved with many of the common childhood disorders. For example, diabetes, epilepsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), eating disorders and learning disabilities can all lead to depression in children; getting help for these medical conditions is crucial (see Reference 2).

    Family Therapy

    Family therapy is also another way to prevent depression in children. A child who lives in a negative home environment filled with chaos and arguing parents is at more risk for developing depression, especially if there is a family history of mental health problems. Treating the entire family with therapy and counseling will bring effective communication skills into the home and a better understanding of each other, which are factors that will prevent depression in children.




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