• Presentation software produces more than your average run-of-the-mill slide show. Thanks to multimedia features, you can now do a variety of tasks in all one software application. Multimedia programs are programs that allow animation, sound, and sometimes special effects to be added to presentations.


    Presentation software has features such as animation and sound. This can be used in marketing new products or potential commercial ads.

    Combining Elements

    You can use presentation software to combine other effects, such as making photos and diagrams interactive in slide shows. You can use these diagrams in creating animations to show how a computer program may operate.

    Online Courses

    Presentation software is used to make simulations used in online courses. These simulations include interactive demonstrations of how to navigate through your online classroom.


    It allows companies to conduct meetings over the Internet using Web-enabled software. Companies save, by using this software, on travel expenses.


    Using this software, you can make presentations and embed them into websites.


    Mutltimedia presentation software

    Adobe presenter

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