• HELLO! it dosen't matter you have to legally get a divorce before you can get married again.
  • Bigamy is the law violated here. you can be married only to one person, at a time. Forced or not, its still a legal marriage, until dissolved in court. If you marry again, while already married, your first wife will discover your bigamy and possibly use it against you in divorce court. Only one at a time or it could be costly.
  • Forced or not, every marriage is legal with a legal marriage certificate. She must obtain a divorce, or she is breaking the law, period. It does not matter if the marriage was from another state, it follows you everywhere. I would recommend she file for divorce now, for the second marriage is not legal because the first had not been resolved. Charges could be made irreguardless! Bigomy is a crime.
  • If you want to commit bigamy, .. go for it.

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