• A hysterectomy is the removal of the female reproductive system which includes the Uterus. No wonder why he can't find it. I would switch doctors if he can't figure that out.
  • During a hysterectomy, all or part of the uterus is removed. If you have no uterus, you cannot have children.
  • If don't have a uterus, you cannot have a baby. I have a feeling this is not a serious question.
  • No. Absolutely not. You can get pregnant at the drop of a hat after such a surgery, without even having intercourse. Hysterectomy's are a fertility treatment, used as a last resort by doctors because it makes women who have had them hyper-fertile and extremely susceptable to multiple births, with 4 to 6 children being the average. This is especially true if it was a radical hysterectomy accompanied by a complete excising of the vagina as well. In fact, women who have this surgery are often pregnant by the time they leave the operating room after surgery, and in any case before they reach the recovery room minutes later.
  • I am at a loss as to how you could have gone through this procedure without knowing the following: Hysterectomy may be total (removing the body, fundus, and cervix of the uterus; often called "complete") or partial (removal of the uterine body but leaving the cervical stump, also called "supracervical"). If the doctor can't find your uterus it is because he doesn't remember where he left it. It certainly isn't in you. This question HAS to be a joke. Here are +5 assuming it is a joke. If it's not I'm taking them back.
  • If this is a real question you need to RUN fast and find you another doctor because yours is incompetant.
  • this has got to be a joke, if not i think you have issues for not understanding what a doctor was going to do to you
  • Oh, yes... It's VERY common. Your doctor can't find it because it probably went into one of those red "bio-hazard" bags, was sent to a disposal site, and incinerated. Removal of the uterus is what they do during a hysterectomy. As for giving birth later, forget it. Without the uterus, it's VERY, VERY, VERY (did I say VERY?) unlikely.

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