• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Eliminates nuisiance barking

    Bark collars are one way to eliminate nuisance barking that can drive you or your neighbors crazy. The collars work by delivering a low-voltage shock every time your pet barks. Bark collars provide a consistent, constant form of correction. For that reason, they can seem like a good way to train a puppy.

    On the Other: Harsh punishment

    Bark collars provide a punishment that can be too harsh for puppies, according to the ASPCA. Puppies tend to do best with positive reinforcement. Bark collars can also cause injuries. The electronic shocks can cause sores if the collar is worn too long, according to Pet Supply Direct, a pet product supplier.

    Bottom Line

    Both the ASPCA and the The Humane Society of the United States advise against using bark collars. These groups say it is better to first determine why your puppy is barking and eliminate the cause. If you insist on using bark collar on your puppy, consult a professional. It is safest to use a bark collar under the guidance of an animal behaviorist or a trainer. These professionals can also help you determine why your puppy is barking.



    The Humane Society of the United States

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