• A wiki is a type of website that allows users to alter or add content without programming knowledge; wikis are created through the collaborative effort of the community of users who contribute to the website.


    Wikis function as a way for users to share in-depth knowledge; wikis range from full encyclopedias on any topic to very specific topics.


    Wikis are useful in that they allow information to be pulled in from many different sources that may have advanced knowledge on obscure topics.


    Since wikis can be altered and created by individual users, they are subject to hacking, bad information, and poor grammar and writing.


    Since wikis are composed of entries made by many users, the writing style in different pages within a certain wiki site may vary, and style guidelines can differ between different wiki sites.


    Wikipedia is a large wiki site that is one of the most heavily trafficked sites on the internet; Wikipedia, like all wiki sites, has a wealth of useful and accurate information, but may also contain some bad information.


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