• Certified Mail is a service of the U.S. Postal Service that offers enhanced tracking and security options not available with other mail types. This option is available at all post office branches and through rural mail carriers.

    Delivery Verification

    Certified Mail items are given unique article numbers. Using these numbers, users can check delivery status online.


    Recipients of Certified Mail articles must provide a signature, which is kept on file at the post office. People mailing items as Certified Mail can request copies of these signatures for a fee.

    Eligible Mail

    First-Class and Priority Mail items can be delivered as Certified Mail.


    Insurance is not available for items shipped as Certified Mail. This option is available with Registered Mail.


    As of October 2009, the cost for Certified Mail is $2.80 per item.

    Common Uses

    Given the additional security and required signatures, Certified Mail is particularly useful for mailing legal documents.


    U.S. Postal Service

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