• There is no getting around it: the human body sheds hair. It is part of the normal cycle of life. New hair grows to replace hair that is lost. But how much hair loss is normal?

    Normal Hair Loss

    The average person can expect to lose approximately 50 to 100 hairs a day. Daily hair loss is part of the natural cycle of hair growth.

    Hair Loss Cycle

    The average scalp has about 100,000 hairs. The normal lifespan of a single hair is about four and a half years. Sometime during the fifth year the hair will fall out and be replaced by a new hair, according to the National Health Institutes.


    Contrary to popular belief shampooing, over-brushing and wearing tight hats do not cause additional hair loss. When a hair is naturally ready to fall out the bulb gets closer to the surface of the scalp. Movement at this time will cause the hair to fall out.


    Poor nutrition, genetics, hormonal changes, excess stress and certain medications can disrupt the normal cycle of hair loss.


    Consult with a physician if you are worried about rapid hair loss, or if you have pain or itching in the area of the hair loss.



    Mayo Clinic

    William Collier Design

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