• It's funny how this used to be a question I would have avoided, but I'll bite first and without fear of ridicule. yes, they are real, apart from that I have no real knowledge of who or what is controlling them, but I have seen some. Only once, but it was a fleet of very small devices hovering near a communications tower. As I was driving between Ft Smith and Tulsa one morning I observed about 50 or so round metallic things which floated in place, they would occasionally all turn in unison as if commanded to do a right face or something, it appeared to have military precision. The sunlight would shine bright off the sides, then they would turn at once and the dull side would show. I observed this for approximately ten minutes in broad daylight at perhaps 600 yards distance at my closest. Funny thing is I had mere curiosity and cannot even begin to decide why I did not stop to photograph them. My wife and I both discussed it among ourselves and later we wondered Why would we have been content to simply watch and not stop to take pictures. Our mood was peaceful and accepting of the reality of it, yet later it drives me mad that I didn't TAKE PICTURES. Strange? Yes, indeed, but true.
  • One of the ways to determine what's real and fake is to have the negatives of photos developed different ways. Cameras catch many different light spectrum's on film and not all of them are visible. So you can tell by infrared for instance, whether the photo has different heat signatures all over it. -something you would expect from a vehicle.- A model or photoshop wouldn't have these different spectrums.

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