• High blood pressure, get to excited ya might pop an
  • i thought the term was "mature"...
  • because they understand that using ur fists is often idiotic and dangerous, instead of using ur head which causes no physical pain except maybe a headache ^_^
  • Over exposure. Get to a certain age and the old "been there/done that" kicks in and it takes some seriously novel sh*t to even register let alone get your depends in a bunch!
  • If by "mellow" you mean less up-tight, less stressed over issues, more tolerant...I believe it's true. And it's because things are put in perspective. What was very important when I was younger doesn't appear so important as I am older. What I thought I wanted, had to have, as a young man...just doesn't seem as important now. I'm 73 and find life enjoyable, fun and exciting...but I don't have to spend money the way I wanted to, don't have to acquire "things" and can tolerate other people's ideas much better. In other words, I'm mellowing.
  • Because as you go through life you realize what is important and what battles need to be fought and what one's you can just leave alone:) They will fight themselves:)
  • We have finally got our priorities in the right order & dont want to waste as much time on trivial things that dont matter. +5
  • I think I live my life with a bit more logic and reason and I don't get emotional about small things.
  • Relaxed hormones, less energy and emotion, more wisdom.
  • I don't think I've become mellow, I just gave up. It's hard to be a "goody-2-shoes" no body really likes you, they just like what you can do for them.
  • Experience... Learning to learn... Compassion... Empathy... Maturity... When you figure out there's no real reason NOT to be "mellow", you tend to mellow out.
  • Some do, some don't. My dad is 54 and still goes to the bar every night and gets up and dances with the band.
  • maybe they don't do as much
  • All the lessons have been learned so now its tie to sit and see others learn the lessons and later mellow to watch the next round...
  • You realize time is getting shorter, so enjoy the time you have left.
  • I'm an old bugger of 64yrs. But I havn't mellowed. I still get pissed off and challenge 'crap' or injustice.It's just that I 'hang back' a bit now to make sure I'm right before wading in. Perhaps that's the 'mellow' part? lol!
  • They don't. The Type "A" folks have usually burnt out themselves by the time old age has arrived.
  • We know the little stuff doesn't matter so much and doesn't deserve our energy
  • energy levels decrease...
  • Experience. Seen it all, done it all, own all the t-shirts.
  • been there ,done that. told you so,i did not live 66 years and get this gray hair from being stupid,i learned to mellow with age. a picture is worth a thousand words,after you wear a few ass kickings you learn to be a little more mellow.
  • Yeah. That's why we start to smell bad.
  • That's not me! I will still dance salsa for my 90th birthday.
  • They get weak and feeble. :)
  • because what is construed by younger folk as 'mellowed' is viewed by older people as 'no cause for alarm' because over time you learn to understand and realize the results of many actions, so you live your life a bit different from moment-2-moment, anticipating likely outcomes instead of the cold hard perspective of a younger person who has little if any experience in the same thing(s), and the results of certain actions.
  • We learn to worry about the big stuff, and the rest..................
  • They've already lived through the tough stuff. Now they're sitting back watching people 30 and 40 years younger than themselves running the world. The idea of that is hilarious to me right now. We're probably all idiots to the elderly.
  • They either become more peaceful because of a better understanding about life or they become more cynical. Or both.

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