• I don't think cuddling in nightclothes on the couch with the wife and Daughter incest because it seems natural and whole.
  • OK my father did me from when I was 14 to 17. I knew it was wrong but I thought it was acceptable because he was my father and besides I was curious about men and sex. When I began to have orgasms I liked it and even used to dress for him and try to act sexy to turn him on. It was a secret and my mother did not know besides she was in love with him and was getting it from him even better then me. Then he became a Christian and stopped and I became pretty promiscuous with mostly older guys. I think he was wrong to do this because he was my father and he was older and knew more and even though he did not really rape me or hurt me he took advantage of my age and my being his daughter. 15 year olds should be able to be free to learn about different things in school and books and life and have dates and be social and have fun and play sports and should not just think about sex and men and orgasms. It is better if they stumble around with guys their own age and learn slowly. I did not have it bad but I know many women who are still bearing the hurt they felt from that with them. I long ago forgave him but we are not close probably because of it. The people on this Answer Bag who think people should do it with their children are wrong.

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