• Drug abuse is the overuse of illegal and prescription substances. The drug use causes an interruption in the user's life and the lives of people around him. There are a few obvious signs of drug abuse to watch for.


    When a person has a drastic change in attitude for the worse, this may be a sign of drug abuse. Drug abuse causes an increase in irritability and anger.

    Mood Swings

    In addition to an overall increase in anger, the user may have major mood swings. She may change from being exceedingly happy to being miserable and sad in short cycles.


    When a person is addicted to drugs, his ultimate goal is to buy drugs. If the person starts asking for loans or steals money, especially if this behavior is out of the blue, this is a strong sign that he may be abusing drugs.


    Feelings of apathy and depression are common in people who abuse drugs. Some users also will experience paranoia and hallucinations.

    Sleeping Problems

    Unusual sleeping patterns or problems falling asleep is a sign of a drug problem. Alternatively, a user also can have stretches of excessive sleep that may interfere with her duties. Drugs also will make the user slow in his movements and speech.

    Long Sleeves

    A person who starts wearing long-sleeved shirts and sweaters regularly, even in hot weather, may be trying to hide injection scars and track marks.


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