• His behaviors will not change. If you can accept and overlook how you are affected by those behaviors, then go for it. It sounds like that is not something you are willing to do and that you already know the answer to your question.....
  • Learn to smile and laugh at them if you can. or just get the heck out before 4 becomes 10 and you hate him.
  • As a previous answer said, you are not very likely to change him. You say he is your ex. Are you already broken up? You will have to decide what is stronger. Either you love him enough to overlook his behavior; or, you dislike the behavior so much you leave him. You do not have any other options here. Good luck! +5
  • behaviours could really be hard to change, its who they are and thay preferred to be...some people will not even change for the rest of their lives...have you ever tried talking about it to him? coz if yes, then i think if he really loves you then he would try to change and he would change not maybe that fast but gradually i guess...and if he dont change or refuse to change then that means that he doesn't care and he doesn't really love you at all. and the thing is whats the point of staying with the person who doesn't care and love you at all? you'll just gonna be putting yourself in the dungeon of agony and pain. and the worst case scenario is that if you'll gonna have kidz and since he really doesn't love then possibility is that he could cheat on you...and so whats gonna happened? you dont want that to happen to you, do you???try to date anybody, get yourself busy, go out with friends...and etc...

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