• in some cases yes but many cases no.
  • Guess you got it all figured out then.
  • I would say that is not true some of the time at all. So, no, I do not believe that is etched in stone.
  • It is true that cheaters seldom win and winners seldom cheat, but not that cheaters never win, because they cheat to win, unless they are bad cheaters, which ofcourse means they lose. Winners can be cheaters, because cheaters cheat to win, so not all winners are not cheaters, but some winners are cheaters.
  • No; "never", like "always" is an absolute.
  • No, it's not true. It happens all the time. Life is unfair sometimes.
  • No, who said that. That's partially true and half incorrect. It doesn't always have to be like that. Sometime those who cheat are the ones who succeed at what they want. Somethings winners are cheaters also but continue to be successful by cheating. Life is unfair, deal with it.
  • More interestingly: Do weaters ever chin?
  • No. Look at politics and you will see that the converse is always true. Cheaters always win and winners always cheat. This also applies to big business, or any situation involving a lot of money. People who do not cheat and are not willing to sacrifice their integrity pay a price for it, but at least they can honestly maintain self respect.
  • I'd say it's generally true. Even though a cheater may win in the short term, they will likely be caught eventually and then it will call all of their past wins into question. Their credibility will be destroyed to the point that even when they had won fairly it will still be called into question.

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