• Bear in mind when you answer this that most wealthy people make their money through capital gains, not personal income.
  • No, the poor would actually pay more under that plan (instead of having deductions, etc.). Right now, those at the bottom do not pay anything. With a flat tax, the wealthy might pay more, but they are better able to afford it.
  • I don't think most people could afford to go with a flat tax. Some peoples income fluctuates drastically from year to year. I know some years I have had to struggle to pay vehicle tax. I would have hated to pay a flat tax rate if I didn't make enough.
  • Definately. $50,000 spent on the average family of four? It would be nice if people could show some personal responsibility and not rely on the government. As a taxpaying citizen, I resent taking care of those who cannot take care of themselves. We're a land of opportunities for everyone, but I won't sacrifice mine for someone who doesn't want to pursue theirs. America is not "a better life" for all those who walk through its doors. It's about the chance, the reward of a better life for those who work for it. And before anybody dismisses my opinion, I'm not wealthy at all. I just cringe every time I see "I deserve it, I have the right to have it, and it should be mine just because 'they' can afford it."
  • Would be proportionaly a lot for poorer people and less for richer.

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