• The same reason Native Americans are considered red, Chinese yellow, Brits white.....It is a stereotype...I am German, European and Native American..Cherokee. I have been asked if I am half black and half white. I don't care how people label me and I look at all people as just people. It is not the color of your skin that makes you you but what comes from within.... I am proud to be me because I am unique and I am comfortable in my skin.
  • I hate how my hair is brown, so people say I have brown hair. Brown's the color of shit, and that's a racist thing to say about someone. I feel your pain. People need to stop looking with their eyes and start looking with their hearts.
  • Something's wrong. That's for sure.
  • You're placing too much importance on the colour of your skin vs. the rich heritage that flows through your veins. Accept, celebrate and embrace your black, scots, french, aboriginal, and cuban ancestry.
  • I don't know what the big deal is really. Your black, your black. Your white, your white. It's just a way of describing someone. No one is going to tell a cop "well, he was 6 feet tall and was a Greek,Irish,French,Cuban,Italian guy." Once we can all shut up and realize that our skin color is part of our physical description and nothing else then we can get this racism bullshit out of the way.
  • YOU say you are black... (Because im black) and (i'm black). So you are guilty of exactly what you are complaining about.
  • Why? Ease of discussion. None of the current descriptions are correct. Correct classification is, just plain, not going to happen. Black: 1) offhand I have not seen anyone who is "black." Dark, dark, dark, dark, etc. brown does not count. I mean black. 2) not everyone from Africa is dark skinned, much less what we call "black." White: 1) other than albinos, who often have a pinkish tone to their skin, nobody is "white." 2) Caucasian: if you want to describe people we currently call "white," Caucasian is not it. Indians, people from Iran, etc., are technically Caucasian and the are, most certainly, not white. Mixed race: 1) just about everyone whose family has been in America for a bit is of mixed race, moreso than most nationalities. 2) other than geographical isolation, say, like the Australian Aboriginals BEFORE the colonization, there ARE no "racially pure" people. If there has been any coming in contact with any other ethnicity, there is mixing. If you want to be technically correct, ask to be called of mixed race.
  • Because you're black.
  • My grandchildren are Irish, Scottish, Russian, German, English on one side, and pure Hungarian on the other. They are considered Caucasian. (but they are from 6 nations or more!) You are Scottish, Irish, French = Caucasian. African. Spanish. } = Mixed. Native. Dark skin isn't necessarily black. Medium skin isn't necessarily brown. Native isn't necessarily red. White isn't necessarily white. You are 1/2 white. Just tell them you're an American!

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