• i dont know, but i understand why they have a one child rule.
  • Maybe parents figure that the more children they have, the greater the chances that they will be well taken care of in their old age. Sort of like a pyramid scheme. There is/was a lot of poverty in those countries.
  • I believe it is because historically (as always) medical services lag behind everything else in society. People produced a lot of children so that at least some would survive infancy and childhood to become adults and therefore able to inherit any property and to look after the parents when they are elderly. They had lots because infant mortality was very high. Along comes modern medicine, infant mortality drops but the birthrate continues to rise and rise and rise, because culturally these people have large families. So despite the fact that more of their children survive and they need not produce so many - they continue to do so until their children are dying anyway because of lack of resources.
  • That's a good question. They have been large countries for centuries. Their population numbers are probably related to the rising standard of living since WW2. Children are seen as an investment in the future, although China is trying to reverse this opinion.
  • G'day Fake Snake, Thank you for your question. It is probably something that would take a paper or a book to outline but this is a brief precis. Both countries have old civilisations in big countries with plenty of fertile land with rivers. Accordingly, both countries have long been amongst the most populated country for millenia. I have attached sources for your reference. Regards Wikipedia China Colombia University Chinas population growth Wikipedia India Wikipedia Demographics of India
  • Because they dont know how to use contraception!!.
  • With civilizations that are traditionally based on agriculture (such as India and China) the more children they have the more hands they have on the farm. There's also the fact that (in China at least) they believe the more sons you have the more people you have to pass down your name and keep the ancestor's incense burning in the family temple. This would, in a way, keep the ghosts of the ancestors well supplied in the after life.
  • Sex. Lots and lots of sex. Billions and billions of times a year, now.
  • If you can get a hold of a National Geographic historic atlas you will see that Europe was also very populated since thousands of years ago. However Europe was hit by plague after plague during the middle ages diminishing their populations dramatically. This cause India and China to continue growing for another 500+ years ahead of the European population that was barely replenishing its original size. As for the Americas the population was low because it only received humans around 10 000 years ago. Africa also has a large population but they lacked all the technological progress since from other civilizations around the world in similar periods (except maybe Egypt).
  • Country like China has a history of 5000 years and it possessed high cilvilisations. It used to lead the world in any aspects(economy, technology, medical treaments). China used to be several parts and each part was trying to unite the other parts. They competed with each other and had wars all the time. In acient time, everything needs a lot of manpower, so the country with more population had advantages. Therefore, each parts were finding ways to populate itself. They gave a lot of incentives and reward to their citisens who had a lot of children, like cows, dogs or monetary rewards. This policy lasted for centuries. As the results, China is populated. India is the same case.
  • I don't know about india but i'll comment on China. China traditionally had a large population but nowhere near its current scale. When Maozedong came to power he enthusiastically encourage people to procreate because he believed population equates to power. That's when the population of china jumped exponentially.
  • Because these countries have long term strategy how to improve quality of peoples lives. That is opposite from finding solutions in the moment problems are emerging, what is the white race strategy.

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