• Your problems stem from low self-esteem, because you refer to yourself as "ugly," when you probably aren't, at all. You need to change your attitude, and a professional counselor may be able to help you do that. Once your attitude towards yourself changes, your life will become much happier for you. Help is available for you, and at little or no cost, due to your age. Ask your school counselor for some help and advice, OK? +5
  • Wow. Talk about history REPEATING itself. You sound like a young ME!!! Try to enjoy your youth while you still have it, because if you DON'T--you are definately going to regret it!!!! Rest assured, what you're going through will be TEMPORARY. In the meantime, try to concentrate on your STRENGTHS. You never know what may happen. Good luck!!!
  • Get off of our ass, get out, go volunteer. You'll make friends, build muscles, get confidence, and discover that ugliness is relative. If you can make a girl laugh, she's half seduced.
  • It makes me remember one of the ugliest guys I ever knew who was extremely popular, who had a very high esteem, who thought well of himself and acted that way. You wouldn't believe the number of princesses who were lined up to turn that frog into a prince.
  • There are a LOT of people who believe they are ugly at your age - or at LEAST "not that good-looking". Most are intelligent, quiet, studious, don't really have a lot of friends - but those they have, they are VERY close to, and don't like themselves - either their looks, their "smarts", or they find SOMETHING to not like about themselves that they can use to explain why they "have no friends... [and] ... just sit indoors all day wishing [they] were someone else." MOST even run through the "I wish I was dead" or "I'd be better off dead" scenario. That's usually during a depressed period in their lives. Something recently happened to make them think that way... something depressing, like the loss of a pet, a family member, a friend, or even just the loss of someone they knew, in general. The whole thing to remember is that most of those kids that I knew, who felt like that, grew up to be good-looking, intelligent, successful people. Even so, you DO know that success is a GREAT leveler in the looks department, BTW. Think of Bill Gates... He's a NERD, and LOOKS it, but have you seen his wife? His house? You DO know he is one of the richest men in the world, right? Think of all those rich businessmen. There are some good- or at least decent-looking ones, but most are really not that handsome. Yet, they have it all - cars, homes, beautiful wives - many of whom actually LOVE them. Now, for your TEMPORARY problem, you do NOT need to think of a PERMANENT solution like "killing yourself". You need to find a way through the low feelings. Now, if you talk to a doctor, many will suggest putting you on a drug of some sort. While it's quite POSSIBLE that you need one, most of us who went through the same thing without drugs. Some of us talked to our parents. Some of us talked to school counselors. Some talked to friends. Some to clergy. You CAN talk to someone. Talk to someone you don't know and that doesn't know your parents - If you live in a college town, there are possibly free services at the college psychology department. If not, talk to your school counselor. Talk to your minister/priest/rabbi. If you (or your parents) can afford it, talk to a psychiatrist, but ask them to do all they can to NOT prescribe drugs. But please talk to someone. OR, just "suffer through it" until it's gone. Do everything you can to find what makes you happy (non-destructive things, please), and spend a lot of time doing it. I got into writing songs, putting my feelings into them, so I'm an advocate for writing what you feel. If you feel you MUST take action, then take the action as the character in the song or story, NOT in reality. And learn to like yourself. There's not too much you can do to change certain things, so learn to like them. You can do it. I'm sure you can. As I said, many people do. Good luck! ;-)
  • When I was a teen I thought I was ugly and fat. I'm 47 now and when I look at my photos I realize how thin and cute I really was, but no body could convince me back then. People made fun of me all the time. It wasn't till I was in my 3rd year of high school and took a real good look at myself and would daily repeat in the mirror all my good attributes in and out because I figured no one would love me if I didn't love myself first. That year I had all kind of guys interested in me because my self confidence made me desirable. Your too young to believe this is going to be your whole life. After all my brother in law is ugly and a big jerk and somehow he has attracted some wonderful women. Still scratching my head!
  • Being indoors all the time can be depressing...get out in the sunshine...join a sport or go and focus your frustrations in the gym...find something your good at and excell in it. Looks arent really that important and you dont want to have superficial friends anyway. You might be like that ugly duckling may grow up to be a megga hot stud!
  • yup, everything u just said is exactly like me. except i am a 14 yr old girl. im a freshman now so i think i better get friends quick because thats the hardest years of your life :(
  • Me too man,im a 16 year old guy and i got independent study to get away from people,i just listen to music,get on the computer,play PS3,do homework,golf,and play with my dogs to take my mind off of things like that,im fat and ugly(to my peers and society)but in my head im freakin gorgeous,you should find something you love and do it to take your mind off of looks like many of us did. Stay safe man and Good Luck(:)
  • Change your attitude. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, start appreciating things more. Nobody likes a downer. Or do they?

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