• do what everybody else in that situation does,keep quiet
  • Tell your friend immediately and go to the police station together to clear it up. If you have any value as a friend you won't let her pay the price for your irresponsibility. You've already crossed the line.
  • The ticket is past due? This is a red flag that you had no intention of correcting this citation. Giving the officer a fraudulent drivers licese is an arrest offense. The citation has probably gone into a warrant. the other person may wrongully be arrested because of your actions. Go to the traffic court of jurisdiction. see a judge and try to explain your situation. you may be arrested so be prepared.
  • I actually cleared it up already!! It was never a question of telling my friend, she was the first person i told. I went to get the ticket signed; the PD officer who i spoke to adviced me to talk to the officer who had issued the ticket. He told me the same thing that it was illegal that i had given him the wrong ID even if it was an accident. He also said that the PD officer should have paid more attention since i looked nothing like the picure. I called numerous times and could not get ahold of the specific police officer. Every time i would call i was told he was out in the field and that they would leave him a message. I would leave 3 messages at a time in a day. When i would ask for advice from the PD officers at the station they would say the same thing " you need to speak to the offending officer" i heard back from him twice while i was at work and couldn't answer. I went down to the police station and spoke to someone else and they told me to go down to the traffic court. when i showed up they told me that their was nothing i could do and that it was my friends responsibility. It was a FIX IT TICKET and that my friend had to speak to the judge and that i couldn't change it to my name since it was a legal document. She said since it was a fix it ticket i could just pay for it and it would be cleared. At the end of the day they didn't even care that it wasn't under my name, they just wanted $$$$$ money!!! I wasn't going to let my friend pay oviously so i coughed up the money. The only reason it went on so long is because no one had a real answer on what i should do. It was my fault for letting it go on so long and not driving down to san diego in the first place. Lesson learned!!

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