• I did! I had full trust in soon to be ex husband. I even fell for this story he had told me about how he would never cheat becuase he had once seen his dad talking to a lady that was not his mom and that had really bothered him and so he swore to himself he would never cheat. He would always tell me rather than to cheat he would rather just be upfront and end the relationship he was in if he wanted to be with someone else. I had this unconditional trust for him. It was amazing! My best advice is never trust anyone with your heart! No one else will care to hurt you because no else will know the pain that it causes! As long as they are happy and getting what they want it will be all good to them! I married this guy that I thought loved me and cared for me. We went before God to make a promise only to last 1 year and a half! he then cheated and even got the girl pregnant! He didn't seem to care too much though. So be careful who you trust!
  • not husband. i had an exbf I had complete trust in. not only was he cheating, but he was also married. Yep, thats right. He had a wife, he was cheating on her with me (ddint know he was married) AND he was cheating on me with another girl. It was the suspicion of the third girl that blew open the whole situation. His wife and I were both pregnant, and she and I are friends to this very day.
  • i've only been with my bf 2 1/2 yrs. at the beginning i had complete trust. then a few months in i was told he cheated even though i was with him when it was meant to have happened so brushed it off. since then i question everything. i know he cheated on his exs but he says he has never loved anyone like me. i get this little voice in my head. i'm worried i could ruin the relationship over thoughts. there has never been any proof to cheating but i'm always looking for clues.

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