• The number of inches in a foot is an even number. 33 is an odd number, and therefore not a multiple of an even number. Therefore the fraction will be improper.
  • Your answer shouldn't be an improper fraction. One foot is 12 inches (too small). Two feet is 24 inches (too small). Three feet is 36 inches (too big). Subtract two feet (24 inches) from 33 inches to get 9 inches. You have 2 feet, 9 inches.
  • You can write the answer as 33/12 feet or as 2 feet and 9 inches or as 2 and 3/4 feet. 33/12 is an improper fraction. If you do it that way, you'll always get an improper fraction if: 1) You didn't get a whole number of feet AND 2) You started with at least one foots worth of inches.

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