• don't care
  • Why are these people allowed to reproduce?
  • To each his or her own, and all that jazz. But it's pretty cruel to hate someone you just met that much.
  • In the Phillipines where there are limited number of last names, I know some couples who named their sons Adolf. Others were Atom, Dingdo, Viagro and Eleven.
  • Sorry for the child.
  • that boy needs to change his name a.s.a.p
  • It certainly makes the first 18 years of the child's life difficult.
  • His daughters name was Arian Nation too...or sumpn. Its sad, yeah...whatever. Its only destroying that childs life before it should be considered abuse. Poor kid.
  • His son is going to most likely get made fun of, beat up, and grow up with hate and racism and probably end up shooting up a wal-mart crazy redneck style. This is why people should be pro-choice. Hopefully he'll grow up and find out who Hitler was and promply change his name. Also, if Hitler is his middle name, it shouldn't be that bad, he could just go by Adolph Stevenson or whatever his name is.
  • Our enemies should be named and easily identifiable.
  • 1) i feel its his business not mine, and 2) even though i dont agree with what he did Hitler was a genius, and a fabulous painter. And believe it or not some people view him in high regard for those two things not jsut for being a crazy anti-semite like they are *GASP!!*
  • I think it's cruel to the child and offensive to the world at large. . But I maintain that they have a right to do it.
  • A name is a name, the name may have been of a horrible man in the past, but that does not mean people with the name these days are the same person in any shape or form. I think it's fine. But they should be prepared for rejection in some societies and people.
  • Some people are stupid.
  • It is just a name. It depends why they named their son that. If they named him just because they thought the name sounded cool, that is fine. If they are paying tribute to Hitler, then they already have enough problems that their kid would be raised to be a hatemonger anyway, even without the name. Either way, that kid is going to get alot of ridicule as he grows up.
  • I think that if they really love their children, they'll think about it again and realize that if they do that to their own child; what pain and ridicule that child will have to endure and that it could have all been avoided if his parent used his/her brain and found a better name.
  • The heart of Man suffers greivous injuries, the scars and memories of which linger on for ages; but, like the birds and the game, so too must Man always move on. We have begun to move forward from yet another hateful abyss of Western history. Sometimes, though, some feel this motion must be forced or catalyzed by such actions. But We will move on.
  • How many people do you think are out there who are called geroge bush,tony blair,gordon brown? There's probably hundreds of them but no one gives a crap do they. If a parent wants to call there kid adolf hitler then it's there choice and no one can tell them otherwise.

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