• Well, I live in NY, and I've lived in some other states too, so I can say somewhat comfrotably that NY is not a great place to live. I can go on and on about the negative aspects of NY, but one definite positive about NY is that you will meet a lot of well educated people. Not just scholastically educated, but people who just have interesting thoughts. I'm not sure if it's because NY was one of the first states that was established, or if it's because it's so diverse, but the level of intelligence of the average person in NY is significantly higher than many other parts of the country. No disrespect to anyone. And of course, I'm not saying there aren't intellectual people in other states. Oh, and there's great musicians here too.
  • The Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas has everything S. CA has or close by. Not near the traffic, much less expensive to live, a wonderful beach on South Padre Island (the waves are not as big as CA)We are warmer than S.CA in the summer. We must have some good things here because thousands of "Winter Texans" come here from the north to spend the winter here.

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