• I love being treated like a lady...wouldn't have it any other way!
  • I appreciate it. If someone doesn't do it, I'll live, but it is pleasant.
  • I love being treated like a lady. But i have to say that it can be to much sometimes. Just as long as the guy dosen't over do it, I love when a guy treats me special.
  • Well some things, like opening the door and pulling back a chair, are nice and sweet, but girls are not all helpless. We can do stuff on our own and take care of ourselves and some guys don't know that. They think some girls are helpless. You should always be curtious and kind towards girls but never think we ALWAYS need your help.
  • Yes of course! My husband always does those things for me and it's one of the many reasons why I love him so much. He knows that women are capable of taking care of themselves and they can do things themselves, but it's important to him to do those things for me. Who doesn't love just a downright gentleman? :)
  • +5 I enjoy being a girl. Open my doors, pull my chairs yes, do all those things
  • I enjoy being cared for when it comes to pulling my chair out opening the door, and him being closest to the street. I think it's cute and sweet : ) But I'm a independent type of girl, I'm not helpless. The only time I resent it is when guys over do it. Chivlary is not out of style.
  • it upsets me if a man doesn't do these things for me
  • Are you saying if he doesn't hold the door open or walk on the street side that he is not treating me like a lady? I think there is a whole lot more to being treated like a lady than just those. Personally I would prefer he treated me with respect.
  • I think that if a man did this twenty four seven, i might feel awkward, but i wouldnt resent it. it shows that they care for you not because of your looks alone or your personality even, but simply because you're a lady. and thats nice sometimes. to know you're special, even if you arent doing anything but being a woman!
  • I like well-mannered men.
  • Depends on who's doing it, and why. My ex-husband had a way of totally ruining things for me. Once I was having trouble stepping down off a partial wall of concrete blocks next to a sidewalk, since my legs were considerably shorter than his. He said something to his male companion about "Just a minute, I've got to help the helpless woman," and held his hand out for me. I damn near bit it. But if my present husband offered me the same assistance, I'd be much more gracious and accepting, because he wouldn't throw the belittling remark in with it. Also depends on exactly what custom. I like thngs carried for me, doors opened, and chairs pulled out, not simply because I'm a woman, but because I'm mildly disabled. Walking on the sidewalk closest to the street is kind of pointless, and there's no need to stand up because I'm entering or leaving a room. That's just silly.
  • It is nice but not a must do. I am capable of opening doors for myself.....etc. Good question Millenium +5
  • Yes, I admire politeness in general, I wouldn't mind it at all.
  • I enjoy it, those are examples of good manners.
  • I enjoy it. :)
  • I do enjoy it when my man does those things for me, but its not something I expect either.
  • Its nice for men to have manners but im not too bothered about all those kind of things.
  • Well... If someone wants to open doors for me and pull out chairs for me, I wont complain. I don't expect people to though. No one I know does that, and I kind of like it that way. It's not that I resent chivalry, I just find it awkward.
  • Actually no, it doesnt bother me at all Im far from a feminist but I dont resent it either
  • hey - who doesn't like a bit of wining and dining and common courtesy. To be treated like a beautiful delicate flower is soemtimes nice...however I do like to get my hands dirty and will never say no to a course in rock climibing, paintballing etc. I love my independence but I do like being treated well. It's the same for men...don't they like to be cuddled and have meals made for them sometimes?? Everything in moderation, a nice equalbalance of old school romance and values with a bit of modern day kick ass!
  • Yeah i think its cute when my boyfriend does things like that for me. I love it. Maybe if he did it alllll the time or over did it it could be akward, but nah its allgood =]
  • Yep, I enjoy it. I also enjoy being able to return the favor, and be polite and helpful to other people, too, including men. Hey, guys, if I happen to be standing at the door and holding it open, WALK ON THROUGH IT!
  • I'm a guy, so ofcourse I had to click on the question automaticaly when it said "LADIES:...." But, If I see someone nearby I will wait and hold the door open or something, but if I am out on a date I think the whole Chair thing is a tad bit too far, but I will be polite and respect you. And I will pay the bill, because I hate being payed for :P
  • Yes if I'm with my man, he does that for me. Makes me feel cared for.
  • geesh.....where do you people get this stuff? Just because I have an education, a career, am willful and recognize that I am not a subspecies, does not mean that my husband should treat me like crap!!!! Do you believe in marital rape? do you support domestic violence? Do you believe women should be prevented from higher education or that they shouldnt and arent smart enough to hold a real career? If you said NO, YOU are a feminist! Learn the real feminism and saty away from anti woman propoganda that teaches wrong details about feminism.
  • it's nice and most surprising when a guy u least expect keeps a door open for u, bt i don't expect it. It's something a guy does if he wants to bt I do not expect it, and it is certainly not a substitute for being treated equally in terms of work and other aspects of life. I think a guy who likes u should do it if they wish so.
  • I really do enjoy it when my fiance does things like that for me when we are out... but its not something I expect him to do all the time. When we are at home... its not really that big of a deal. I just like to feel like a lady and very classy.
  • Enjoying gentlemanly behavior has nothing to do with feminism. I consider myself a feminist in the sense that I believe women should have equal rights, especially in the work place. However, I am also a southern girl, and I expect gentlemanly behavior. It's just the norm here.
  • I enjoy it very much :)
  • every lady enjoys being treated like a lady every now and again :)
  • Sometimes I want to be pampered. I did NOT burn my bras!
  • If you don't mind a "gentleman" answering this query, I'll say I'm still chivalrous by nature and will probably remain so. But there's a selfish motive too. The smile of appreciation one gets, and the whiff of perfume as the "lady" passes by, are ... m-m-m-m-m!!! ... well worth the the trouble. It is indeed a small price for a big reward. :-)

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