• Although the fear of losing loved ones is a normal fear, obsessing over it, is not. Moreso, it seems it is also a symptom of depression. You may wish to speak to a professional about this.
  • I would highly suggest you go speak with a counselor or a doctor. This is no way to live. There is help out there, but you have to seek it. With some therapy and maybe even some medication, your life will improve dramatically. You'll be able to focus your energy on something productive. Good luck.
  • Deep breath - - think calmly if you can.... some of those things WILL happen, and there is nothing you can do about it. The reality of life is CHANGE. What is now will not be forever, you have to come to grips with that. It is not abnormal to be concerned about this, it shows that you are a deeply caring person, however you also have to be prepared for the event that you will experience losses. Concentrate on the NOW and relish those parents and friends and have the time of your lives - these memories of happier times will help you through the bad ones to come. This is the human journey, you have lots of company, many of us will help you in your pain when the time comes. You are not alone. You must begin by accepting the fact that many of these things will happen.
  • i am attaching three videos regarding your Anxiety and Panic attacks issue I recommend you to take them seriously hope u will find a drastic change in your life after implementing these. 1)meditation(5 videos) 2)Self-Acceptance with Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

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