• For one, make other friends. Build a circle and include others so that it's not just you and her. I have a friend like that; it sucked. But I overwhelmed her with other friends, and she can't control them all. :D If no one likes her because she's such a bossy control freak, explain to them what you're trying to do. The good friends you're looking for will understand. Also, don't let yourself be bossed. if you want to do something, and she wants to do something else, just say politely "Well, we could do that sometime too, but today I would like to choose the activity, and this movie isn't going to be in the theaters for long." (or whatever.) Good luck!
  • Stop being so scared and learn to speak up for yourself. If they're truly a friend, they are not going to go anywhere but will respect you for not being a doormat.
  • I went through this. I had a friend since I was 11, and we knew each other very well. By the time we were 23 though I couldn't take her know it all, bossy attitude any more. There was much more to it than that, and even though it hurt to lose a friend, I had to end it. I told her that I couldn't be friends with her anymore because I felt oppressed by her. She emailed me a few months later to tell me she understood what I was talking about, and had never realized it before, either during arguments or when others have pointed it out, until after I walked away. I felt such a huge wave of relief when I removed that burden from my shoulders. I'm sure you will be able to make the right decision for your relationship. Maybe you don't have to end it, but you can try talking with your friend and explaining that you do not like being controlled, or bossed around. Hopefully that will be all it takes, but if not you may have to go for more drastic measures.
  • As Bob Marley said: Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights! Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights! Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights! Get up, stand up: dont give up the fight!

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