• No. He also spends a lot less time at the beach, spa, shopping and traveling than I because he spends more time at work than I do.
  • This is a horrible way to try and make men do housework! Your question intimates that men do housework, which is little more than a myth that was started by the Feminist movement a few years ago! Another myth spread by feminists was the notion that the female orgasm exists. The most famous myth feminists tried to spread, was that "Premature ejaculation was a problem!" I grin to myself as I write this.....
  • Not a chance! but it is because I had to take early retirement due to some health problems my s/o does do many repairs and he brought our washer/dryer from upstairs and redid the plumbing so I could do the laundry I am not able to go up and down stairs and he did a great job with and he chops wood for the fireplace so I do not mind doing the housework.
  • yes he does almost all the cleaning and to be honest he is much better than me..

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